Dec 7, 2021

Prepare Your Vehicle for Cold Weather - Rogers Lincoln Blog

Cooler temperatures are back in the Permian Basin. Modern cars and SUVs do not require extensive winterization, but there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure yours runs well in the cold to keep you and your family safe. Rogers Lincoln has a winterization checklist to make things even easier for you.

Check the battery. Cold weather is tough on your vehicle’s battery. Check and clean up areas of corrosion on connections and posts. Consider running a battery load test on batteries more than five years old.

Change the windshield wiper blades and refill your wiper fluid. Working windshield wipers and a solid supply of wiper fluid help ensure clear sightlines. Replace frayed or worn wipers and top up your wiper fluid tank with a lower-freezing temperature fluid.

Consider winter tires. Winter tires are made of a softer rubber than all-season tires which allows them to retain flexibility in the bitterest of cold and have channels and grooves designed to grip into snow and ice. Winter tires improve safety at temperatures below 44°.

Check the tire pressure. Cold weather causes air pressure in your tires to drop. A properly inflated tire ensures the best traction essential for driving in wintry conditions.

Examine the four-wheel drive. Working correctly, Four-wheel drive can provide better traction when driving on snowy and icy roads. Have it examined by a mechanic before winter weather sets in to ensure the system engages smoothly and that transmission and gear fluids are at their correct levels.

Verify the antifreeze mixture. The ratio of antifreeze to water in your radiator should be about 1:1 to prevent the coolant in your radiator from freezing. To check the composition of your radiator’s fluid, pick-up an inexpensive anti-freeze tester at an auto parts store.

Adjust engine oil viscosity. In the winter, your engine will run more effectively with a thinner engine oil. Check your owner’s manual for information on proper viscosity levels for colder temperatures.

Check belts and hoses. Cold temperatures can weaken the belts and hoses that help make your engine run; examine them for cracks and wear and replace worn parts.

Stock emergency supplies. You never know when you’ll need them so be prepared by having your vehicle ready with emergency supplies. These include a blanket, water, new flashlight batteries, and booster cables.

Keep you and your family safe this winter by ensuring your vehicle is at its best in the cold weather. We are happy to help; for expert Lincoln service, and thoughtful client care, choose Rogers Lincoln. We’re your source for high-quality Lincoln and used vehicles in the Permian Basin. If you’d like to add a little more luxury to your life, we have the Lincoln you’re looking for. We also carry a wide selection of high-quality pre-owned vehicles, including rare finds and late-model luxury. Come see us if you’re anywhere in the Midland, Odessa, Stanton, Big Spring, Colorado City, Grandfalls, Gardendale, Pecos, Andrews, or Snyder area, and find your new ride!